Sunday, October 21, 2012


Practicing your singing craft is a lonely task. Its not fun, and is akin to taking out the trash, or something so distasteful. BUT, if you have a goal, a vision of where you intend it be by next month, in 6 months, in a year and make it fun, then, that's a horse of a different color!

One has to know how to practice and WHY you are practicing. Just because your teacher tells you to do something, you have to know why he's asking you to do that. If you knew the reason then practicing is fun, because now, you have a purpose. Now it is fun. Nothing is more fun in practicing than when you know you are getting better and you are in charge of your voice. The power one gets and the confidence you feel when you know you are in charge of your voice and your destiny.

My practice regimen is:
1. practice falsetto. This will strengthen my top and enabling me to mix the bottom to the top much easier. It will also help me build a more beautiful voice and build that bridge to make me sing louder.

2. Practice Chest Register. By working the chest register, I build more ping and ring in the voice, build more power, and combined or coordinated with the top will produce a richer sound.

Ah! I'm stoked! I tell myself, "more....., more....practice more.

3. practice my music in falsetto, to strengthen your topo and make your voice very smooth and beautiful. Practice this way, and you will not ever get tired. Next step....

4. combine or coordinate your registers with arpeggios and octaves to build a bridge from top to bottom, bottom to top, as smoothly as you can get it.

Ah! I'm more stoked! I'm sounding great. Doing this every day for at least 4 hours is great. Now you are a singer!

5. Practice hard passages in falsetto and then try to coordinate those registers, being careful that the chest does not take over the top. Think of the voice as two pyramids, one right side up and one inverted, with the peak at the bottom. In other words, as you go up to the top, there is less chest, and the lower you go there is more chest register, but it smoothly from one register to the other, but keeping them coordinated.

Ah! Now I'm really, really stoked! I can actually sing!!! What fun. Now think of the phrasings. Practice crescendos and decrescendos. Practice support with the abdominals (not the diaphragm). Think of the climax of the song. Make it meaningful with all the shadings and control you can muster. Now you are an artist! Pat yourself on the back. Now you love practicing! Welcome to that rareified atmosphere that few achieve.

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